Kineton United Charities
What do we do?
We administer two charitable funds that provide assistance to members of the local community.
Bentley Charity for Apprenticing.
This charity provides help for young people who are preparing for, entering upon or engaged in any profession, trade, occupation or service.
To be eligible they need to be:
- aged between 16 and 25 years of age
- living in Kineton or Combroke
- in full or part-time education or undergoing an apprenticeship.
Recent grants have been awarded for items such as books, software, tools and travel for placements deemed essential to their course or apprenticeship. All applications will be considered within the charity's remit whilst studying abroad or in the UK.
Relief in Need Charity
This charity provides help (relief) either generally or individually to people who are in need, hardship, or distress. We are able to make grants of money, providing or paying for items, services or facilities calculated to reduce the need, hardship or distress. Grants may also be made to organisations which provide, or undertake to provide such items, services or facilities.
Applications can only be made via a recognised agency such as Doctor's surgery, church or social services.
About us
Kineton United Charities consists of 7 trustees and a clerk, who meet 3 times a year: March, June and November.
How to apply
Application forms for the Bentley Charity for Apprenticing can be obtained online here, via email from the clerk Jacqui Hawkins at or from a trustee. Applications for Relief in Need please email the clerk.
Where did the money come from?
The Bentley family connections with Kineton date back to at least 1565 when Thomas Bentley. In 1909 the family endowed a charity to apprentice poor children and that charity is still very much active allowing us to award over £60,000 in the last twenty-five years.
Relief in Need Charity is an amalgamation of five smaller funds: the Thomas Aylworth Charity (1956), Ballards Bread Charity, Samuel Kilby Charity (1841), Josiah Woodley Charity (1892) and Lady Margaret Greville Verney Charity.
KUC Application Form (PDF, 119 Kb)